Once the page has been created, then the next step is to start adding content via boxes. To add a box, click on the blue plus symbol that is at the bottom of the column the box should be in. This will open a new menu with a couple options:
Now that the box exists, its time to fill it with content. To get started, click on the Add/Reorder button inside of the box. A whole list of options will appear:
Here is an example text box:
Welcome to the LibGuide! You will find very useful information here, hopefully. Please flip through these tabs to see examples of each content option.
NASA Image of the Day:
Editing the content of a box is easily accessed:
With just a click of a button, the original menu from when the content was added will appear. The editing button is the square with the pencil inside it. Clicking it will show a dropdown menu where editing will be available alongside the delete option, and, depending on the type of content, the add to group option. Remember to save before closing the editing menu!