Step by Step Process to Create a New LibGuide:
1. After logging into LibGuides, the home screen will have the option to create a new guide in the middle column titled "LibGuides Shortcuts."
2. Clicking on this will bring up a new page titled "Create New Guide." Here there are a couple options to look through:
- Choose layout or Reuse- You can start with a blank guide and design it how ever you like, or you can use other LibGuides as templates. Underneath this is an optional dropdown menu where you can chose between a side navigation or a tab navigation. This can be changed later if you are unsure or change your mind.
- Guide Name- The title. It can be changed at anytime.
- Guide Description- A place to easily write a description that will show up on every page of the LibGuide. It can be edited later, but the controls are a little hard to deal with.
- Guide Type- The dropdown menu will have a couple options: General Purpose, Course Guide, Subject Guide, Topic Guide, Internal Guide, Template Guide. These make it easier to sort through the available LibGuides.
- Group Assignment- This adds another way to sort through the guides. If the group of guides don't fit really under one topic or subject, then using group assignment lumps them together. Be careful because this can change some visibility settings.
- Password- There is an option to put a password to access the guide. Leaving the option blank will keep the guide accessible.
- Share Guide Content- This option allows people to copy content from the guide. "No" prevents everyone. "Internal" allows only other LibGuide creators. "Community" is anyone with access to the LibGuide.
3. Once you have filled out what you want to fill out, click create guide and you can finally start to add content or design your LibGuide.