These are numbers and email you should have saved in your phone or notepad. It does not mean the rest of the information on this page is not important (they are special in their own way); however, this is information that a library student worker and intern should have on hand.
Numbers | Campus Phone Transfer | Emails |
DPS Emergency: (318)869-5000 DPS Non-Emergency: (318)207-0007 Circulation Desk: (318)869-5047 Director: (318)869-5171 ILL: (318)869-5220 Operations: |
DPS: 5000 Frank Waruszcak III (DPS): 5759 Circulation Desk: 5047 Patrick Morgan: 5171 ILL: 5220 Christy Wrenn: 5057 |
Patrick Morgan: Kat Williamson: Christy Wrenn: |
Chris Brown (Archives): 5462 Music Library: 5247 Music Library Main Number: 5135 Scott Merrit (IT Director): 5707 Chris Derrick (Asst. IT Dir): 5744 Philip Bradbury (Support): 5410 IT Main: 5721 |
2nd Floor Phone:3106 Fax: 5004 President Holoman: 5101 Karen Soul (Provost and Dean): 5104 Human Resources: 5191 Dr. Ragan (Student Success): 5142 Mark Miller (Dean of Students) 5023 |
Facilities: 5286 Business Office: 5125 Monica Powell (Business Office): 5126 Linda Montgomery (Payroll) 5127 Registrar: 5146 Student Life: 5117 Post Office: 5263 |
Book Bazaar House - 219-3409